Telehealth Sensors is dedicated to making it easy for caregivers to stay connected with loved ones by advancing and improving age in place technology. We want this blog to be a place for you to share stories about your caregiving experiences and discuss solutions to your concerns about issues you have encountered caring for those aging in place or living with disabilities.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has reported that the percentage of the population over 80 years old is rising internationally. In the US it will double by 2050. A growing trend among this group is to postpone moving into assisted living centers in favor of remaining independent in their own homes as long as possible. Presence detection systems using products like those we offer are quickly gaining popularity as they provide peace of mind for caregivers while maintaining residents’ privacy and independence.
This website is packed with information, not only about our products’ benefits, but also information for caregivers and those interested in retaining their independence as they age. The resources provided range from advice about effective caregiving and technology to the stories and experiences you share. The blog is a place to learn about developments at Telehealth Sensors and industry trends that will affect you, as well as how to leverage technology to manage caregiving responsibilities.
We encourage you to comment throughout this blog to further the conversation by sharing your concerns with the community and your thoughts on current caregiving technology and resources. Thank you for joining our discussion.